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We are happy to answer to any of your questions regarding the EIT Food Government Executive Academy. Please email us.

EIT Food Government Executive Academy 2020
University of Warsaw
Project Coordinators
Adam Puchejda
apuchejda [at] wz.uw.edu.pl
Gabriela Wojciechowska
gwojciechowska [at] wz.uw.edu.pl

EIT Food CLC North-East
Project Manager
Milda Kraużlis
milda.krauzlis [at] eitfood.eu

EIT Food CLC South
RIS Program Manager
Elvira Domingo
elvira.domingo [at] eitfood.eu

You can read about European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) here: eit.europa.eu and about EIT Food here: eitfood.eu

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